78 Westchester Ave.
Pound Ridge New York 10576
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Mondays & Tuesdays: CLOSED
Wednesdays to Saturday: 11AM - 5PM
Sundays: 11AM - 2PM
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At 123Dough, we have realized that, even though very different in shape and the way they are eaten, bread and noodles interestingly share the exact same ingredients: wheat, water and salt. We believe we can regain our health by letting the noodles go through long-hours of fermentation with freshly milled ancient grains.

Just like our bread, our noodles are also made with ancient grain flour that are freshly milled in house — yielding the most nutritious noodles.

Using our natural starter culture, the dough for our noodles also go through a very long-hour fermentation process to make them more easy to digest. Just like how our ancestors used to eat them!

We are continuously improving our noodle making process to perfect not only the healthy aspect but also the taste and quality of the noodles as well. We promise you can enjoy a noodle dish while your mouth, gut and mind can too!