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Einkorn is the oldest wheat known to mankind, untouched by commercial modification. This ancient grain has unique properties that can be beneficial to us and delicious at the same time. The molecular structure of einkorn is different from modern wheat, which means it has lower gluten (even the gluten type is different!) levels, is easier to digest, reduces the risk of various diseases, helps us lose weight, and helps lower glucose and insulin levels. Einkorn has nutty, sweet tones, with a unique scent, and yields excellent, fragrant loaves of bread.

Emmer is a grain that originated in the ancient fields of Mesopotamia. Emmer has a high level of fiber, protein and nutrients such as vitamin B3, magnesium, iron and zinc. These properties provide our bodies with great nutritional benefits, as Emmer supplies a great source of niacin for our metabolic system and also assists in the prevention of blood sugar spikes. Emmer contributes a warmingly hearty and deliciously nutty flavor to our loaves.

Spelt, also known as Dinkel, is older than Durum wheat and is considered to be one of the first grains ever used to make bread, and is now often used as an alternative to common wheat flour. Spelt has an excellent nutritional profile, and is a great source of fiber, protein and minerals. The benefits of consuming spelt include better blood circulation, bone strengthening, easing digestion and decreasing cholesterol levels. Due to its origin, spelt has a nutty and slightly sweet flavor which is both familiar and deeply satisfying.

According to legend, Khorosan comes from a region in the ancient Persian empire. Khorosan was brought into the States in 1949 and later on, became known as Kamut® in the U.S. Kamut®/Khorosan is a great source of lipids which make it a high energy grain, and due to its abundance of nutrients, also gives our bodies benefits an excellent source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Kamut®/Khorosan adds a definitive note of decadence with its rich and buttery flavor.

The legends explaining the origin of Red Fife vary, but we do know that Red Fife has been cultivated in Canada for over 150 years and is considered to be Canada’s oldest grain as a heritage wheat. Untouched by modern genetic alteration, Red Fife is more nutritious and easily digested than hard red or hard white wheat., Red Fife has a special, unique flavor, and yields wonderfully moist and flavorful loaves of bread.

Humble origins mark Rye as it has risen in popularity through history. Rye has a very high percentage of endosperm and compared to wheat, Rye contains more nutrients and more fiber. Nutritionally, rye gives us less calories, and because the fiber itself is different, consuming rye makes us feel full more quickly, which can potentially help us control our food intake and manage our weight. Rye contains a deep flavor of the earth, and is an instant classic for bread lovers and enthusiasts.